Since 2021, CDCE has worked with the Civic Responsibility Project and the Povich Center for Sports Journalism to better understand the intersection between sports and civic engagement. Our 2022 study on the use of stadiums and arenas as polling places showed how election agencies have incredible opportunities to leverage these civic spaces to engage more voters. Our 2023 poll with the Povich Center and the Washington Post generated important insights about broad public support for athletes speaking out about voting rights and how American fans perceive the increasing role of governments in the Middle East in the ownership of sports entities. In 2023, CDCE Research Assistant Renee Ding also published an analysis tracking U.S. Politicians criticizing members of U.S. national teams over time.
- 2023 Post-UMD Poll
- Washington Post: “Athletes Advocacy for Voting Rights Finds Broad Support, Poll Finds”
- Washington Post: “Americans are Uneasy with Middle East Sports Push, Post-UMD Poll Finds”
- Full report
- 2023 Analysis of US Politicians Critiques of US National Team Athletes