Facilitating Understanding of Maryland StateAnnapolis 101 Government

One of the CDCE’s core strategic directives is to “facilitate understanding of state government." Annapolis 101 is a suite of resources and activities that can be used in curricular, co-curricular, and advocacy settings to educate about the Maryland General Assembly, legislative process and advocacy. The primary intended audience for these resources are high school students, college students, and advocacy organizations. 

Slideshow presentationSlideshow Presentation

The Annapolis 101 presentation is a visually engaging slide deck to educate participants on their power, the legislative process, and how to advocate. It is highly recommended that this presentation should take place over two 50 minute sessions, but it can be adapted for a 60-75 minute session with limited engagement. 


presentation guidePresentation Guide

This guide is for presenters and facilitators of the “Annapolis 101” learning activity. This guide includes the key point(s) to communicate for each slide of the presentation, optional discussion questions to pose to your audience, and the recommended proportion of time for each section.

Presentation Guide

Person studying at a computer"Deeper Dive" PDF Resource

This is a text-heavy version of the presentation that participants can use as independent reading material to enhance their understanding of the topics in the presentation. Facilitators can also use it for reference during the presentation.

Deeper Dive PDF

Workbook and pencilAnnapolis 101 Workbook

In this printable workbook, participants can take notes, retain key points, and chart out their own advocacy plans. This consists of 6 black and white worksheets that can be stapled together or printed as a booklet.


ZineAnnapolis 101 Pocket Guide

This pocket guide contains the top-line information from the curriculum with QR codes for participants to access important links. Facilitators can print, fold, and distribute it to participants to use as pocket guides. Learn how to fold a booklet from Cambridge University Museum.

Printable Pocket Guide